There’s just something about Brighton, isn’t there? It’s a place where music – in all of its many hues – can be vibrantly unbound, and artists can foster a signature sound that you can’t help but revisit time and time again. It’s no surprise, then, that Brighton-based, sonic supernova Edward Sansom (SANSOM) continues to sculpt out such a gleaming musical career, a career that has led us to his new single ‘Burn the Bridges.’
‘Burn the Bridges’ offers everything that lovers of alternative rock crave; a guitar-driven tempest, alluring vocals, and a rhythm that leaves you itching to jump out the door and paint the town red. There’s just something so epic about this track; it’s battle-charged with a riotous snare that you’ll undoubtedly find yourself entangled in. That’s it! I can’t wait any longer, let’s get straight into SANSOM’s latest banger!
Burn the Bridges
Brimful of sinistrous warnings, the introductory guitar riff immediately adrenalises the rhythm of the track, thrusting it into a melodic maelstrom. The tempo has a torrential edge to it, and yet, the dynamics of the track’s intro exhibit a tantalising degree of burst-brink restraint, almost as if you’re listening to the harbinger of an epic war.
Never pausing for breath, it’s this riff that acts as the curtain-raiser for SANSOM’s vocals, which mirror the instrumentation’s anticipatory briskness. That said, SANSOM’s vocals don’t just reflect the swelling feeling of foreboding; they reinforce it. His timbre effuses both the fumes of gritty strength and vestigial silkiness, like a seasoned anti-hero on the battleground that the instrumentals create. Shadowed by the shrill, ethereal spectres that form the backing vocals, SANSOM positions himself, especially with the commanding depth of his voice, as some sort of sonic necromancer.
Impelled by the pummeling drumbeat and a groove that growls with infernal energy, you’re thrust into the midst of the track’s war-worn heartbeat. Here, the guitar’s squeals create this gorgeous contrast, through which the instrumental harmonies become white-hot, all while SANSOM’s vocals darken with a thick, mellifluous murk.
From this point, the track’s texture becomes galvanised, making SANSOM’s lyrics hit twice as hard. The lyrics speak to a deeply complex, volatile relationship that is teeming with intensity, passion, and chaos. So, with that in mind, it fits perfectly that – as the track’s vibrancy surges during this verse – you get to the crux of the emotional conflict, the root of the torment that permeates across the entire song.
And when you hear the following verse, where SANSOM’s voice is coated with a grainy, distorted megaphone-esque effect…chef’s kiss. Not only does this effect bolster the song’s liveliness, but it also adds an additional layer of the raw, craggy coarseness that makes it so profoundly soul-stirring. In other words, you can really hear how tortuous this relationship is upon every note.
Toward the song’s close, you get to experience one last chorus, one last spectacle in which the harmony between SANSOM’s vocals and the instrumentals erupts as if supercharged by lightning. Stunning the air within your lungs, the track comes to a breakneck halt, and the last thing you hear is the way the silence gently snatches SANSOM’s voice…
Ultimately, ‘Burn the Bridges’ is a song that plays host to all of your hurt and anger, a song that gives your torment a means of truly letting loose. You won’t listen to this song when you’re bouncing down a sunlit street; you’ll listen to this song when you feel like the scorned storm.

ALT: Alt-rock virtuoso, Edward Sansom is blanketed in red light as he looks into the camera with a darkly serious facial expression.
For me, SANSOM is one of the most exciting young artists on the scene right now. This isn’t just an artist who is passionate about music; he is hungry, and he is driven, and it’s these qualities that have made him a magnet for success. From winning one of Music Gateway’s competitions with his 2021 single ‘Saturday’ to landing the top spot on the Indie Top 39 chart with his 2018 track ‘Hotel,’ SANSOM has solidified his reputation as an incendiary force in the indie-rock scene.
Not only that but as a live performer, SANSOM makes captivating audiences look effortless! Glastonbury, The Great Escape, Brighton Festival, BBC Sussex, RTÉ 2XM – you name a time and a stage, and SANSOM will turn every curious listener into a wholehearted fan.
Beyond his stellar showmanship, SANSOM is devoted to his craft in more ways than you might expect. In love with all aspects of music, he has lent his talents as both a writer and producer to well-esteemed production music businesses like Extreme Music and EMI Production Music (now KPM Music). Leveraging a First-Class BA Honours Degree in Songwriting, SANSOM is living proof that, when you combine raw talent with dedicated training, you can go further than you ever imagined!
‘Burn the Bridges’ has just dropped today, so head over to your go-to streaming platform and get ready to fall in love! While you’re there, don’t forget to check out SANSOM’s other masterpieces (I especially recommend ‘Sinner’)!
Till next time!