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Alt-Rockers Twin City Blend Brit-Pop, Indie & Classic Rock On New Single ‘Solid Gold’

Opening with an intense distorted guitar which amplifies their classic-rock influences, the new single by Bristol based rockers Twin City, ‘Solid Gold’, quickly creates an intense, high octane tone.

As the tracks urgent, Liam Gallagher-esque lead vocals enter, shifting the tracks sonic approach to a more brit-pop-com-indie-rock feel. The punching drums keep the track going as the smokey vocals cut in between breaks in the guitar chords before the track grows into it’s explosive ear-worm chorus. At the tracks mid point, a thick, soaring, expressive guitar solo takes hold, further displaying the bands natural ability as performers.

Ending on an explosive final chorus, ‘Solid Gold’ shines bright as an anthemic, indie-rock stunner.

Speaking on the track the band explain: Solid Gold is a no-nonsense rock n roll tune with a message of positivity and self belief. We all shine brighter when we’re free to be ourselves, so the song is about being who you are unapologetically and doing what you want with your life.”

A strikingly tight performance adorned with infectious melodic hooks and the same intense, driving sense of energy the band capture in their live shows, ‘Solid Gold’ is a prime example of the explosive sonic capabilities that Twin City possess.

Listen below:

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