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New book: The Lyrics Of Syd Barrett

As the publisher’s rightly note, “legendary Pink Floyd founding member Syd Barrett’s songwriting was unique, memorable and utterly brilliant.” Viewers of the recent Von Trapped events, put on by Polly Samson, David Gilmour and family, will be aware, David has recently been working away on checking Syd’s lyrics for publication in an upcoming book. That book has now been announced: The Lyrics of Syd Barrett. It is published by Omnibus on February 18th, 2021 in Europe, and May 6th, 2021, in North America. Featuring 56 songs and a foreword by Pink Floyd’s first manager, Peter Jenner, and an introduction by Rob Chapman (author of Syd Barrett: A Very Irregular Head), this beautifully illustrated and official book compiles Syd’s extraordinary lyrics together for the very first time. It is bound to be a popular choice for many, and pre-orders are now open for this book. You can order it through the following links, taking advantage of Amazon’s free pre-order price guarantee – should their asking price drop at any point between you ordering it, and publication, they will automatically charge you the lowest price during that period! Ordering through our links also helps with BD’s ongoing running costs, and we really appreciate it: Amazon UK (, (, Amazon Canada (,
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