I sat down with the gloriously gooey, deliciously delectable duo, Bad Honey comprising of both Lydia & Teresa from South London. I got the inside scoop on this instalment of Beneath the Surface.
What first got you into music/who inspired you to make music?
L: Music was always a big part of my life as a child and my parents always sung in a choir when I was young so I think having watched them sing was inspiring and I used to sing along with them learning their harmonies at home. I also have fond memories of making shows with my siblings and family friends where we did lots of singing and dancing, this was always one of my favourite things to do, and that never stopped!
T: Weirdly I was obsessed with opera music when I was about 6 years old and I would never stop singing (or screaming) in the house. That got me into playing piano, and even though I was initially playing classical music, I’ve always been listening to all kinds of music and that’s the thing I love doing the most. My dad is not a musician but he listens to music all the time so I grew up with that and I inherited that habit.
How would you describe the music you are currently creating?
We like to describe it as “a jar of honey travelling through space” which usually gets a laugh but then people hear the music and go “ohh now I get it” – by that we mean that it’s sweet like honey (hence the name too), but there’s some weirdness in there and it often goes in directions that you might not imagine.
What does your creative process look like?
It’s often different, and we like to do this so as not to get stuck in one particular way of writing; but we like to write together, so that no matter what we do it is a joint project. Sometimes one or the other of us has come with an idea, or even more of a completed song, but we always work together to make it something that we feel fits for the both of us and that original idea often changes lots during this process. Sometimes we start from scratch and go from start to finish together. And other times we co-write with other people, so the creative process varies quite a bit which is fun!
Who would you most like to collaborate with? (let’s send it out to the universe and make it happen!)
James Blake Tyler The Creator
070 Shake
Lianne La Havas
What is the one message you would like to send out to your fans?
Don’t take life too seriously, have fun, listen to Bad Honey, find love for new things, get excited, buy our tote bags, call your parents.
What’s your top tip to rejuvenate your creativity/get over a writer’s block?
LISTEN TO LOTS OF MUSIC. Take breaks and get fresh air. When we go to the studio, we’ve found that getting out for some fresh air and a quick walk can be so helpful in just resetting and feeling more productive afterwards. Or just stopping for a moment, making a coffee or tea and then getting stuck back in again, a change of scene really helps. We are lucky because being a duo makes it easy to have different perspectives on things, and when one of us is stuck, the other can help. Also let things breathe, put down any ideas you have in the moment but don’t be scared to come back to them with a more critical approach and change them. Sometimes you have things flow out of your mind really easily and that’s great, but some other times it’s good to remember that anything can be adjusted.
What’s next for you, what do we have to look forward to/ what are you currently working on?
After this EP, we’ve got some new music for release later in the year, and then hope to start working on something bigger for next year! We’ve also done a remix for another artist which is being released soon, and hope to do more remixes as that’s been a fun new thing to do.
You can keep up with Bad Honey here:
And watch their newest music video for the single ‘Circles’ here: