Zorin Morris, an up-and-coming musician with a partiality for retro charm, is one artist who knows a thing or two about creativity and eclecticism. It’s these qualities that make his first single of this year, ‘Only When,’ so appealing.
‘Only When’ is a track that I think everyone needs either when they’re waking up on a lazy Sunday or winding down after a long day at work. It just exudes a beautifully warm sense of cosiness and calm that you can thank the shimmery instrumentation and Morris’s feather-light timbre for. So, with that in mind, let’s tackle Monday the right way – with a deep dive into Zorin Morris’s new world of soft pop/rock.
Only When
At the start of ‘Only When,’ you’re greeted with the twang-rich harmony between the guitar and the bass, a harmony that sports a day-dreamy tempo and a glistening resonance. With the accompaniment of a leisurely yet firm, drumbeat, Zorin Morris makes it so that you’re transported to another time. And where is it he takes you? Straight back to prom night in the 80s, and even more specifically, straight back to the final slow dance of the night. Every relaxed, romantic note within the instrumentals paints this picture – from the half-empty, streamer-strewn dance floor to the dim light bouncing off the disco ball – the rhythm is just that nostalgic!
You can really hear how Zorin Morris derives inspiration from the great artists of the 80s, especially as his vocals emerge on the dance floor that his instrumentation creates. His sound effuses a great admiration for the haunting near-touch of Tears for Fears’ vocal deliveries, as well as the delicate energy of Fiction Factory. Simply put, Zorin Morris weaves the half-melancholic/half-uplifting qualities of the 80s’ cinematic music scene throughout the textures of his track. And he does it well.
When you really get into ‘Only When,’ and you hear more of Morris’s vocals, you’ll see what I mean. His voice has an elusive softness, like a gentle breeze that you’re trying to catch, a softness that leads you deeper into the track without you realising it. This versatile airiness that you can hear within Morris’s vocals is what complements the ethereal, two-pronged beauty of his lyrics. It’s not every day that you come across a musician who can subtly boost both feelings of optimism and the aching need for escapism within his vocal performance and his lyrics.
On the topic of the track’s lyrics, they, too, exhibit an intricate patchwork of qualities that make them so intriguing to listen to. Take lyrics like these: ‘Make a wish and come with me / To that place you want to see / To that place that sets you free / A place that sparkles in the rain / A place that no one knows my pain.’ On the one hand, there is a prevalent simplicity that grounds the song’s narrative in a welcoming realm of relatability. After all, I bet you have thought about escaping to ‘that place’ more times than you can count; we all have. On the other hand, however, there is also a poetic prettiness within the lyrics that swathes you in flurries of fantasy. Together these qualities, while in unison with the tranquil, romantic instrumental harmonies, build an addictively soothing soundscape.
As the track progresses, the twinkling of the melody adopts a vibrant gleam, thanks to the swelling passion in Morris’s vocals and the robust ripples of the string work. You could tell me this was the final track of one of those guilty-pleasure rom-com movies, with a slowly fading final shot of the two love interests, and I’d believe you. I really adore the mosaic of memory-inspiring images that this track offers!
Finally, ebbing along the diminuendo’s wavelet, you’ll slip into a happy silence atop the last, quivering breath of the song’s gorgeous harmonies. Overall, ‘Only When’ just makes you feel good after you hear it, it’s truly as simple as that. Zorin Morris has found a way to capture the sound of comfort.
Zorin Morris
Zorin Morris’s musical career is one of promise and excitement, studded with success, recognition, and hard work. Ever since 2021, when his marvellously mellow single ‘Australian Inside’ was released, Zorin Morris has been determined to share his music, with every following year celebrating a runlet of glowing singles.
Easy to imagine, it wasn’t too long before Morris garnered the attention of well-esteemed platforms, including LyricalOdyssey and New York FM Digital. In fact, his 2024 single, ‘Hold Tight,’ even landed a spot on New York FM Digital’s prestigious Daily A-List Playlist!
What’s more, by the end of last year, Morris’s music had accumulated over 400k streams on Spotify, reaching a wealth of listeners across 150 countries! With an official website hosted by his label, Leather Chair Music, and more singles on the horizon, Zorin Morris is making one thing abundantly clear – he means business.
‘Only When’ is available right now on all major streaming platforms!
Till next time.