As the North American leg of the 2019 Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets tour ( heads towards it’s conclusion, prior to the string of UK dates at the end of April/start of May (with a number of European dates in July), last night saw the band at the Beacon Theatre in New York City. Much to the surprise of the audience, as the band readied themselves to start Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun, a familiar face appeared on stage, as BD contributor, Ken Langford explains: Roger delayed the start of the song by making maybe a minute’s worth of comments. He then proceeded to sing the lyrics for Set The Controls, to bang the gong, to almost leave before the song was over, and then to finish out the song. The mallet for the gong broke at one point, and I said to my companion Break The Hammer Again. Listen to the recording of 11th March 1973 for the reference. He hugged every member of the band, and appeared again on stage for the final bow after Point Me At The Sky. A fantastic treat for all in attendance! Nick and his band are back at the Beacon tonight, but we suspect lightning won’t strike twice – guest appearances like this are normally very much one-off events. Videos and pictures are starting to appear of the appearance, and this article at the Brooklyn Vegan is a great place to start ( The following picture is from their Instagram page: Roger Waters joining his Pink Floyd bandmate Nick Mason at Beacon Theatre #rogerwaters #nickmason #nickmasonssaucerfulofsecrets #pinkfloyd ( utm_medium=loading) A post shared by Brooklyn Vegan ( utm_medium=loading) (@brooklynvegan) on Apr 18, 2019 at 6:50pm PDT