( For those of you in North America, AcousticSounds ( are listing this release, but their details are much vaguer – they don’t have a release date, and the product they are offering is apparently on four 180g pieces of vinyl, and not 200g as with Rough Trade’s version. However, this might be an outdated listing. AcousticSounds do ship worldwide, although shipping costs can be high, so the Rough Trade option might be preferable (especially if it avoids import duties for you).
As you all know, the 50th Anniversary of Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side Of The Moon is next month, with a deluxe box set, the Live At Wembley 1974 LP and CD sets, and the official book (which we’ve seen and is very nice) that’s included in the box set, and available separately too, all being released on March 24th. Full details of all these, here ( Exclusively, though, for the Japanese market (but thanks to ( and CDJapan (, available worldwide online) is a hybrid SACD (Super Audio CD) version of the album, bundled with loads of reproduction memorabilia – as seen to the right! For those unfamiliar with hybrid SACDs, they hold higher resolution audio, often with surround sound versions as well as standard stereo, and the stereo version is playable on all normal CD/DVD/Blu-ray players. To play the multi-channel audio, you need a compatible player, but as the format was devised by Sony and Philips, there are plenty of those around still. The surround and stereo versions of TDSOTM on this SACD is as released in 2021 on the SACD from Analogue Productions SACD. The album is packaged in typical Japanese style – a 7″ version of the original album cover, along with the stickers and posters you would hope to be included in this reproduction. However, they are also including a wide array of reproduction Japanese memorabilia: 1972 Pink Floyd In Japan Photo Book (48 pages, Airport, Live, and Japan stay in 1972)
1972 Pink Floyd In Japan Tour Pamphlet (16 pages)
1972 tour in Japan ticket (Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, March 6, 1972)
1972 tour in Japan ticket (Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, March 7, 1972)
1972 tour in Japan Tour Poster (Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium)
Lyric leaflet “The Other Side Of The Moon â works for all kinds of madmen” distributed at the venues on the 1972 tour in Japan
Flyer announcing the 1972 tour in Japan (Osaka: Festival Hall)
Promotional leaflet (handwritten by record company to promote “The Other Side Of The Moon”)
Commemorative sticker (round sticker for the campaign to promote the band’s visit to Japan)
Commemorative single jacket (“Pink Floyd/Big 4”)
Commemorative single jacket (“Point Me At The Sky”)
Reproduction OBI strip for the Quad 4-channel release (this edition ISN’T in Quad/just 4-channel!) Quite a collection of items! This special Japanese SACD edition is being released on April 19th, 2023, and can be ordered, worldwide, through these links at ( and CDJapan ( Amazon Japan (ãã³ã¯ã»ããã¤ã/dp/B0BQMDYBPC) has their own variant of this exclusive release (with a “Megajacket”) but at time of writing, they aren’t shipping this item outside of their country.
2023 has been a special year for all of us. The continuing war in Ukraine and the atrocities in Gaza plus the clear signs of the climate crisis overshadows much of what happened during the year. But in spite of … Continue reading →
Brand new, bright and shiny, Fer is a young singer with massive tunes and goals. Inspired by many indie bands, such as GIrl In Red, she has a desire to be her generation’s indie icon. We take a moment to chat with this inspirational young woman about her new single ‘Wild’ and much more! Why …