So, we’re talking about a powerful artist who is unapologetic, unabashed and displays an unfaltering dedication to her songcraft? Oh, we’re talking about YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE. After having released an enthralling 5-track EP that shares the virtuoso’s moniker, YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE (AKA Erin Porter) is back with her latest musical venture ‘Promising Young Woman’.

Having only started her indie-rock career earlier in the year, YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE has already established a captivating signature style. YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE has created an unusual, sonic fabric of bouncy, bubbly textures and darkly rich, satirical lyrics.
Having not heard YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE’s music prior to this latest single, I wasn’t sure what I’d uncover but one thing is certain – I’m her latest fan!
So, experience a musical journey that leads you away from the norm and down the beaten track and enjoy ‘Promising Young Woman’.
‘Promising Young Woman’
Starting with an intriguing, intricately layered swash of contrasting tempos and timbres, you can’t help but become immersed in the narrative YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE can effortlessly portray in the first ten seconds.
There is something hauntingly beautiful and yet unsettling in the discordance between the introductory instrumentation. There is an elusive tonality that lures your ears into a peculiar hypnotism, which reminded me of my partiality for narratives that combine beauty and charm with a lurking echo of darkness.
Within those first ten seconds, the instrumentation created a marionette fairytale that YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE would soon accompany, with a juxtaposition of mellifluous vocals and fiercely candid lyrics.
YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE sings the lyrics:
‘While I try to fit in with girls that don’t like me // I am a wolf in a suit and a pair of worn combat boots.’
For me, these lyrics sold me on YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE’s style. Full to the brim with fantastical imagery, whilst also portraying a resonant message that a lot of her listeners will relate to, YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE’s lyrics are refreshingly unique.
Soaring through a bustling melange of glistering drumbeats when YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE’s zestful vocals unite with the galvanic melodies, you experience a kaleidoscopic marriage of vibrancy that will leave you addicted!
Ending with a rill of honey-sweet vocals and an epic eruption of effervescent instrumentals, the track ends with a breathtaking cadence that’ll leave you wanting more!
Hailing from New Jersey, Erin Porter has always had an undeniable passion for music, even from a young age.
Her passions prompted her to lend her theatrical talents to her high school stage, which then ignited a penchant for dazzling audiences with her dulcet vocals. Unsurprisingly, throughout her youth, Porter had almost listened to every CD her local library had to offer!

It wasn’t too long before Porter sought out the Hartt School of Music and would later graduate from Montclair State University. Walking out of her graduation ceremony as a classically trained soprano and multi-instrumentalist, YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE was born.
Starting as a project that stems from her love of frightening fiction, Porter challenges everything you’ve come to expect about the indie-rock genre and, what’s more, conventional lyrical narratives.
So, when you see me talking about an impactful, immeasurably talented, promising young woman who will take 2024 by storm, you won’t need to ask who I’m referring to.
You’ll know I’m talking about YOUR BEST NIGHTMARE.
‘Promising Young Woman’ is out now across all major platforms!