Well, it’s that time of year when we look back at the past twelve months, and forward to what the following year is likely to bring. Obviously life for all of us has been somewhat disrupted due to the obvious, with things like concerts on the whole a distant memory! Tour dates for Roger Waters’ This Is Not A Drill outing, and Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets, were originally planned for 2020, with some of them moving to dates this year (2021) and now postponed again to 2022. Whilst in the early days concert postponements and cancellations were disappointing and at times, frustrating or annoying for some, it now seems to have an inevitability to it, and events are routinely cancelled or postponed, some of which at very short notice. We’re remaining hopeful that things improve on the Covid front in 2022 to enable the various tours to happen. It partly relies on a decent take-up of the vaccination programmes ongoing in most countries, and also hopefully no further variants such as Omicron to come and spoil things. In terms of releases and publications, there’s the recently announced PULSE double Blu-ray and double DVD sets, complete with the long awaited return of the flashing LED on the spines. Could there be other things on the horizon? The Animals section has a caption up at the Los Angeles staging of The Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains which mentions a release in June 2022, which if that happens, will be a very popular one indeed. There’s also the (slightly delayed) 320-page book from Aubrey ‘Po’ Powell – Through the Prism: Untold rock stories from the Hipgnosis archive, which should be fascinating! We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank you all so much for your support and kindness – the site is done purely for you, and as we approach the staggering total number of visitors since its inception of 100 million (the previous version of the site reached 21 million), we look forward to continuing to bring you news and information from the Floydian world! We might also have some prize opportunities coming your way soon… Whatever your plans for Christmas and the New Year (and we suspect that, like many, they will be smaller scale than in previous years, and potentially just sitting at home!) we hope you have a peaceful, happy and healthy time, and here’s to a 2022 that is significantly better for all of us!