Injecting eclectic flair into the London music scene, Jakob the Liar is back to round off the year with a broody, arcane track, interestingly named ‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’.
Garnering influences from all across the globe, this Denmark-born prodigy is the culmination of culturally enriched talent and effortless genre fusion.

Not only does Jakob’s talent lie in his ethereal compositions but also within his introspective vulnerability, resulting in a relatable, highly emotional soundscape that is as addictive as it is immersive.
Jakob’s renovation of the alt-pop scene stems from his inspiration for transformative events, both regarding his own life and the world around him.
Whether his influences are political, romantic or spiritual in nature, every one of Jakob the Liar’s tracks explores the human condition with an upbeat flavour of existential curiosity.
Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti
Following the success of Jakob’s single ‘H E A R T B E A T’, which came out earlier this year, Jakob is back to show the grungier, gritter side of his style.
‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’ is an unabashed sonic soundworld that flaunts the fiery vim of rebellious adolescence. This rogue-ish tonality is bolstered by thought-provoking lyrics that are inspired by Rage Against the Machine’s incendiary sound and social criticisms. To put it plainly, Jakob’s music symbolises the emergence of a new era.
That being said, it only makes sense that the instrumentation is equally as provocative, and after listening to Jakob the Liar’s music, it is apparent that complex composition is a speciality of his.
The introduction to the track is beautifully laced with layered acoustic guitar riffs that are melodically spry, boasting a mellow timbre and vivace tempo that had initially caught me off guard, especially when considering the raw demeanour of the lyrics.
However, when Jakob’s vocals galvanised the track, I smiled and thought about how the change from mellow tonality to riotous, rock-star rasp mirrors the swell of fiery angst that we all feel as we enter adolescence. It’s meticulous decisions like this that illuminate Jakob’s passion for his craft.
The drums imprint a brawny rhythm upon the complex entanglement of Jakob’s acidic rap-like vocal delivery and beautifully elegant acoustic guitar. Jakob’s masterful genre fusion reminds me of an explosion of colour, with every hue representing the best of a medley of different grooves and styles, creating an innovative work of art.
After a roof-raising fusillade of electrifying vocals and instrumental eruptions, the track ebbs out with the same guitar riff that introduced it, acting as the haunting embers of a blazing performance.
The track closes with the sounds of anarchy and police sirens, adding to the ungovernable zest that Jakob imbues into his harmonies. As a creeping silence encroaches upon you, you feel as if you are ready to raise a little Hell.
I couldn’t think of a more appropriate tune to make you feel like a confident badass on the way to revolutionise the world around you. This track makes you embrace the wild child within you.
Jakob the Liar
Jakob’s virtuosic journey started from a young age, finding stability in his music that he couldn’t get amongst the ever-changing routine of his life.

Emerging from a difficult journey of emotional turmoil, Jakob transformed his pain into power and used his personal experiences to create a kaleidoscopic venture into human emotion.
Combining poetic prowess with melody-based vulnerability and romantic flamboyancy, Jakob the Liar is a testament to the best blends of modern and past trends of the alternative music world.
It’s safe to say that Jakob the Liar is definitely one to watch out for!
‘Vi@gr@ Falls & P!$$ Graffiti’ is out now across all major platforms, so without further ado, I will swiftly be adding this track to my playlist.
Won’t you?