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“Heartland” by Sam Himself is your new favourite track

If you’re looking for a feel good soundtrack to accompany the end of the cold season as it transitions into one of new life and colour, “Heartland” is the song for you. Part of Sam Himself’s LP Never Let Me Go, this track offers immaculate tones of hope, contentedness, and charm. 

It might be the masterful whistled hook, the enticing bass line, or the intoxicating vocal – either way – “Heartland” envelops the listener in a dimension that goes beyond the senses, forcing you to close your eyes and let the music absorb you in its soft yet thrilling notes. 

The music video is the cherry on top of the cake with its wholesome shots of goofy scenes, candid moments and lighthearted extravaganza. What truly sparks is the genuinity that seeps through the images. It’s just proper *chef’s kiss*. Be sure to check out the entire album Never Let Me Go, you simply cannot miss it.

The post “Heartland” by Sam Himself is your new favourite track appeared first on Turtle Tempo.

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