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Five For Friday – 10th February 2023

DinoVert – ‘See Right Through’

After an exciting run of form over the last few months, fast-rising Houston-based artist DinoVert returns to the fold once again on his vibrant new offering ‘See Right Through’. Capturing more of that warm and textured alt-pop direction he is known for, he is looking to sweep us off our feet with this captivating new groove.


Marcus Man – ‘Relegated’

Having already cemented himself as a bright and dynamic artist with a run of incredible gems these last few months, Warrington-based singer-songwriter Marcus Man looks to do it all again on the uplifting new single ‘Relegated’. Lifted from his new EP of the same name, which is set to arrive in the coming months, this new one will pull on your heartstrings from start to finish.


PHEA – ‘Breaking Bones’

With a confident run of releases under her belt over the last few months, fast-rising artist PHEA recently returned to deliver her breathtaking new EP ‘Healing Heart’, showcased by the new single ‘Breaking Bones’. Capturing more of that bold and expressive electronic direction she is known for, this brooding new offering continues her rise as one of the more captivating names doing the rounds right now.


Makh – ‘Closer’

Having already made a name for himself as part of the BBC Asian Network in recent months, emerging artist Makh now looks to follow up his breakthrough debut single ‘You What’ with the shimmering new effort ‘Closer’. Bringing back another heady dose of technicolour production, permeated by his own driven vocal style, this new one marks him as one of the more exciting names on the rise right now.


HODJE – ‘Make Me The Villain’

With countless publications already praising her work over the last few months, Chicago-based artist HODJE is looking to continue that progressive ascent with the heartfelt new gem ‘Make Me The Villain’. With its warm and inviting textures, matched perfectly against her own passionate vocals throughout, she is definitely one we need to keep an eye on for the year ahead.


The post Five For Friday – 10th February 2023 appeared first on Turtle Tempo.

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