
“We all love to hate” – A fans poll has ranked rugby union’s five biggest d***heads

We all possess a penchant for embracing the dark side. In the realm of rugby union, for every manifestation of goodness, an equally potent force of negativity counterbalances it—a sort of yin and yang dynamic. With every heroic figure, a villain inevitably emerges.

While it’s undeniably delightful to witness the triumph of the sport’s cherished icons, there’s an equal measure of satisfaction in observing a star’s descent from the celestial heights to the depths below.

We conducted a poll to identify those individuals who, whether due to their actions on or off the field, have earned themselves an unfortunate reputation in the game. Discover the top five culprits below.


#5. Tomas Lavanini (Argentina)

Believe me, I’m as shocked as you are that Lavinini managed to find his way into this list considering the stand-up player that he is (sarcastic).

Being serious, he is one of the most entertaining rugby players to watch because of his reckless and aggressive behaviour


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