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Youth Recaptured: ONE NATION Releases New Single ‘Young, Wild and Free’

Summery rock-powered soundscapes and nostalgic trips to the wildness and liberty of youth go together like good beers and sunlit beaches. Songs that combine the two never fail to evoke a bright blend of joy and rejuvenation, and it just so happens that I have a song just like that for you today! Meet ONE NATION, a seasoned quartet that has recently dropped their refreshing yet familiar new single, ‘Young, Wild and Free.’ 

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Neska Rose Showcase Quirky Songwriting On New Three Track EP ‘H’

Dynamic eighteen-year-old twin sister duo Neska and Libi Rose, release the quirky and playful new EP, ‘H‘. Showcasing swaying rhythms and jazz influence to their indie-pop sound, the duo capture a vibrant accessibility so their alternative sound, jumping between alt-pop and sprawling moments of interesting musical choices and jumps between twinkling keys and fuzzy guitar […]