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Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets add south of France show

Some good news for those of you who are in France – and in particular the south of the country: Nick Mason's Saucerful Of Secrets have just announced a further date on their 2020 European tour (nick-mason-s-sos-2020/index.php).The band will be playing the rather attractive looking Theatre de la Mer in Sete, France, on June 30th (nick-mason-s-sos-2020/june-30th-theatre-de-la-mer-sete-france.html). This open-air amphitheatre should be a spectacular venue to see the band in action! With a backdrop like this, maybe it should be Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sea? Maybe not! Tickets have just gone on sale, and you can get them through Nick Mason's SOS 2020 link (nick-mason-s-sos-2020/index.php) in the left hand menu, or click on the link at the start of the paragraph above.