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Finn Doherty’s debut EP, if you’re bored of this city, delivers raw emotion

Emerging from London’s vibrant music scene, Finn Doherty captivates with his debut EP, if you’re bored of this city. Known for his dynamic live performances and poignant songwriting, Doherty’s talents extend to filmmaking, with his short film of the same title screened at The Lexi Cinema last year. This EP marks a continuation of his exploration […]

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Concerts News Pop Concerts Rock Concerts

Dom Malin unleashes an emotional storm with “Hurricane”

Indie-folk troubadour Dom Malin delivers an emotional storm that captivates listeners with its raw honesty and heartfelt storytelling in latest single “Hurricane”. His songwriting offers a glimpse into the depths of the human experience, taking you on a journey through the tumultuous landscape of love and loss. With each strum of the guitar and every heartfelt […]