With the cancellation of the two Russian shows from the 2022 Echoes tour that Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets (https://www.brain-damage.co.uk/nick-mason-s-sos-2022/index.php) are about to start in around a month’s time, a small gap has opened in the schedule – which has turned out to be excellent news for our friends in Lithuania! The band will be playing at the Compensa Concertâ Hall in Vilnius, Lithuania, on May 27th 2022, and tickets have just gone on general sale: May 27th 2022 – Compensa Concertâ Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania (https://www.brain-damage.co.uk/nick-mason-s-sos-2022/may-27th-compensa-concert-hall-vilnius-lith.html) – TICKETS (https://www.bilietai.lt/lit/renginiai/koncertai/nick-masons-saucerful-of-secrets-77542) It’s great to see Nick and the gang bring the music of Pink Floyd to locations which have been starved of the band’s music – the only other member of the band to have played Lithuania was Roger Waters in 2018. If you are thinking of going to the show, we suggest you don’t hang around when tickets go on sale on Monday, as we expect them to sell quickly for this 3,000 seater venue.