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Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets Australian tour starts in Melbourne

Well, it’s felt a long time coming, but it has finally started. As we type this, Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets are currently midway through the first half of their opening show on their Australian tour – part of The Echoes Tour – with the band playing the first of a brace of nights at the Forum Melbourne ( There are still a few tickets for tomorrow night’s show, and for some of the other Australian shows – so if you are in or near the cities in question, it really would be worth your while snapping them up before they all go, and enjoying a fabulous gig filled with early Pink Floyd gems! Here are details of all the upcoming shows ( We welcome all contributions from those going to any of the upcoming shows – please email us at – and to kick things off, here’s a picture of the band in action a very short time ago, during the first number in Melbourne! Our thanks to John, on the scene at the Forum… if you visit the show page you’ll find more of his pictures (!

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