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Lovely and Lissom: Luna Carina Releases New Single ‘Prague’

It’s 2025, and one thing is clear: artists, regardless of genre, are pushing even harder against the boundaries of convention to bring us music that is more creative, more emotive, and, of course, more addictive. Few artists have embodied this drive like Luna Carina, an indie dream-pop trio that I can only describe as the gift that keeps on giving, especially after the recent release of their delightfully delicate single, ‘Prague.’ 

Standing at the prow of this eclectic ensemble, you have Jacob Smith, an incredibly talented multi-instrumentalist and songwriter whose writing style is nothing short of poetry (as you’ll soon find out). Alongside the invaluable prowess of vocalist George Ryan and guitarist/graphic designer Jack Print – who you may know as Cosmic Rabbit – Luna Carina represents the perfect marriage between soul, story, and sonic mastery. 

Not only does ‘Prague’ have the extensive talents of Luna Carina behind it, but also the hauntingly sweet vocals of Spanish singer Nekane and a mosaic of lovingly crafted instrumentals from session artists all around the globe. In other words, this single is supercharged with a story that inspires uniqueness and home-hitting emotion, the kind we’re about to dive into! 


Within the first few seconds of the track, I knew it was going to be magical. The introductory melodies combine Luna Carina’s signature pillow-soft style with a tapestry of intricately woven string harmonies. These harmonies are exquisite, speckling the single’s opening with a summery shower of dreamy romance. Bolstered by a gorgeous dichotomy of the softly crooning bass and the lithe ripples of the harp, the instrumentals and elusive wisps of Nekane’s angelic vocals form the perfect cushion for the track’s love-filled lyrics. 

Preceded only by a yearning cadence and the ear-perking hiss of a spinning bicycle wheel, Nekane’s vocals emerge from the track’s balletic intro. Her dulcet vocals float above the graceful instrumentation, achieving an addictively airy near-touch of harmonies that flows beautifully within the fringes of an allegro tempo. Combine this with the understated yet smooth backing vocals of George Ryan and Jacob Smith, and what you have is a beautiful blend of warm and bright timbres that really elevate the track. 

‘Found our special place / By the oceanside / Then I kissed you in the rain.’ It’s lyrics like that that make you fall in love with Jacob Smith’s imagery. With the addition of punchy drums standing tall over a wellspring of longing strings, you feel both the energising power of love and the heartache of missing that special person in your life. This is a message that swells across the track, and it changed how I felt about the opening instrumentals. The fact that the opening is so hopeful and vibrant makes it all the more bittersweet that this is a song about loving and losing someone half the world away. 

As you fall deeper into the track, the string quartet’s dynamics soar to meet Nekane’s honeyed vocals, and upon every note, you can feel your heart starting to break one piece at a time. Reaching the buoyant diminuendo, I was intrigued by how the track ended. With a song like this, I’d typically expect a slow ebb into a deep, emotive silence, but ‘Prague’ ends with a burst of spirit that makes you feel hopeful and ready to fight for what you love. All in all, ‘Prague’ is a track that, despite alluding to rather poignant emotions, gives you the feeling that everything will turn out okay in the end. 


ALT: The indie dream-pop band Luna Carina poses against a tree and vivid green foliage. 

Luna Carina 

Rooted in the Isle of Wight, Luna Carina is and has been a band that combines the best of virtuosity and vibrant storytelling ever since the 2022 release of their debut album, ‘Lily.’ Having the home-hitting writing style of London Grammar and the vim of The Lumineers, Luna Carina is a band you turn to when you want to experience an emotional rollercoaster that will have you dancing one song and shedding a few tears the next. 

I’m excited to see what 2025 has in store for Luna Carina, and if you love music that doesn’t quite fit into one box, you’ll be excited, too! But while we eagerly await Luna Carina’s future releases, we have their incredibly versatile 2024 EP, ‘Innerbloom’ to keep us more than entertained. And, of course, Nekane’s 2022 EP, ‘Tissues By The Piano,’ perfect for those looking for gentle bops, is definitely worth a listen or two. Hint: If you love Kate Nash-esque music, check out Nekane’s ‘Hope You Leave Soon.’ 

‘Prague’ is out now and available to listen to on all major platforms! 

Till next time. 

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